Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, August 12, 2011

Brynlee's swim Lessons

Brynlee was in 2 sessions of swim lessons this summer and she really had a lot of fun. She was in both session with her friend and they were so excited that they had matching swimsuits.

Camping Pictures

More Camping Pictures

Bryan Family Camping Trip

Ryan had the idea to have all the Bryan's go camping as a Family Reunion. It was a lot of fun. The Cousins had a lot of fun playing together and of course all us Adults had fun talking. I love this picture of Kendal with his pillow case. He drew him fishing with uncle Ryan and the fish they caught. It was fun family bonding.

Presley Crawling

Presley has been a quick one with wanting to move. At four months she rolled over and was digging her toes into the carpet to propell herself across the room. Then around five months she got up on her knees and starting rocking and sitting up unaided. Now at six months, my little girl is sitting up all by herself and crawling all over! She follows us all over the place. I'm afraid she is going to be walking way to fast!! Because she is already pulling herself up to things to stand. I want her to stay little and enjoy every minute of her being a baby, but it is so fun to see her excelling.

Big Girl Food

Presley is now old enough to eat food, so we tried her out and she loved it! She doesn't like to you to take a break either. No stopping till she is done! She is growing up so fast!


Our first time camping as a Family. Bryn and Presley have never been, so it was so much fun for both of them. Mom had a hard time sleeping, but it is so much fun to give our little girls this experience. Of course Presley will not remember it so we will have to go again. :)

Presley goes swimming

We went to Green Canyon with the Bryan's for a fun camping trip. Presley wasn't enjoying it at first, but then she decided this really wasn't so bad and decided to suck her toes and fingers. She was so cute kicking her legs in the water too. It was a fun trip.

Trampoline Fun

I work for an awesome company that always has cool company picnics and Christmas parties filled with prize drawings. I never win, until three years ago when I won the grand prize and wasn't there to claim it, so I didn't get it!!!! (It was a 52 in plasma t.v.!) Anyway. Last year I won a clock and this year I was shocked to win a trampoline!! Brynlee was ecstatic! It was two days before her birthday and they said we could pick it up on her Birthday, so she thought of it like another birthday gift. She has been having a blast with our new toy. This picture is her having fun with the sprinkler under it! Yay for prizes!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Happy 4th Brynlee

So Brynlee turned 4 in July and we celebrated with a pool/slip n' slide party. It was so much fun! She got fun stuff, but she really wanted a table and chair for her room, so we got her this Dora one that she loves. I can't believe my little girl is growing up so fast. Soon she will be in my preschool class. So fun.