We have know for a few weeks now how many babies we are getting. Lots close to us already know as well, but I just needed to process it. I had this dream of a family with four children, so I just needed to get use to the new reality. We are having one baby. We are extremely blessed and we are so excited. I just for some reason in my head really believed I would get twins. In no way am I ungrateful, I just had a dream and I also just felt like I had to morn the other embryos that didn't make it. I know it is a little weird, but you just might have to be in my shoes to really understand how you feel when you have zero control over this stuff.
We had gotten the six eggs and all six fertilized. We put in three and the other three grew out in a petri dish to see if they could get to the freezing stage. Unfortunately they did not make it. So this is our very last time doing invitro. It just really showed us what a miracle it is for these little eggs to get to become a baby. My egg quality just wasn't good enough. I had one excellent egg. Zero good. Three fair and two poor eggs. So I'm betting the only one that took was the excellent one. So we know we are so lucky to have gotten that excellent egg.
This last week has been hard. On Wednesday I decided to clean the fish tank at work. I siphon the water out of the tank into a bucket and then dump the water. It is a 25 gallon tank and my bucket was 5 gallon, so I had to transfer water a few times, I didn't feel it all the way. It was heavy, but not too bad. Then I had to make a ton of trips to fill it back up with clean water. It took me an hour. After I was done I started to really hurt on my left side. By the time I left work I was really hurting. I called my sister in law because she works for my OB. She thought it could just be my intestines. The next day I was still hurting so I felt I needed to call my OB. They were also concerned and wanted me to get a ultrasound.
The ultrasound was exciting because I got to see my baby again and see the little heart beating. It was beating at 169. I think that's how fast my girls were, so maybe it's a girl...(just a wives tale I know).
The nurse called to tell me that they saw a healthy baby who is right on track, but they also saw that I was bleeding behind my uterus. They said it would be okay as long as I take it easy. The bad news is I'm on a strict no lifting for a whole month! I have a two year old! This is going to be hard. They said it will heal on it's own if I do not lift and I take it easy. They did not say the word bed rest, and I didn't bring up I work and they didn't ask, so I'm assuming that I can still work but just take it really easy at work too. They think this is unrelated to the pain on my left side. They think I just pulled a muscle. It hurts really bad, I hope it heals fast, cause it is torturous to get up and down. I feel really old! :-) In a month I will get another ultrasound to see if the bleeding has stopped. If it has not, I will still be on the no lifting. I don't want that.
The other really bad thing is that Ryan has just entered his busy season so he will not be able to help me out more. We may just have a messy house for a month. Oh well, this baby is worth it. We have prayed for this baby for a very long time and we will make it work to get this baby here.
Van Misc.
3 weeks ago
Congratulations on the baby!