I went for an ultrasound a week ago. The hemorrhage is smaller but not gone, so I am still on my restrictions of no lifting. When I went to the Dr. before I never updated what she told me. Take it easy means more than just no lifting. I can not do laundry or vacuum and no pushing or pulling. That takes away just about every thing you do. My family and the ward has really been taking care of me. Ryan has been working over 80 hours every week, so he isn't around much. Brynlee is a big helper, but it has brought out the terrible twos in Presley! It's nice when I can use reverse psychology to get Presley to help and be a big girl though. "Me do it" is a common phrase uttered by Presley! Still, I am extremely lucky that my girls are so good and I'm getting extra looks at my baby. The last ultrasound was amazing! My little baby was all over the place moving around kicking it's little legs. I can't feel it yet, so it was so cute to see my little mover. The crazy part was that I hadn't eaten in a while, I didn't have any treats or anything. Just water. So this baby may just be super active on it's own!
I am 14 weeks now and my next ultrasound I will be 18 weeks, so hopefully I will be able to see the gender if it co-operates. :) Also at the last ultrasound the baby's heart beat was 165, so it is still really fast. It will be nice to finally know what we are having. I will be ecstatic either way, but it will be nice to start getting ready, or just relax because I have everything already for a girl.
Happy 2 Weeks Baby Finn
4 weeks ago